"These Small Hours Still Remains"
Out with the girls to town!! (Shirleen&Joyce). How Satisfied can I be?? Hell damn!! HAHA. Seriouslyyy!! Bought my checkered knit blouse from F21 at 313 somerset!! A must go place for all. Oh please, F21 there is like bloody 4 storeys high. Beat that, compare to the other outlets.. it's like the BEST!! Bought my bag from some shop along pacific plaza. :) Totally mesmerized by all the swirls and colours i see today at 313. :)
Wait let me give you more details about the outing. Firstly, bussed to orchard-stop at taka bus stop. Went to search for that "DAMN-HARDCORE-DIFFICULT-TO-FIND-PEPPER-LUNCH-PLACE". Felt quite discouraged after those long and empty hopes of pepper lunch being here and there. Legs were aching and all. Lost much sweat. So Finally, after much search from walking from one end of orchard to another end... GUESS WHAT??!! Discouraged .... More of mission accomplished!!
.................We found it, BABY!! HAHA, JEALOUS/??!! It's like near isetan scotts, 1 escalator down/ WHOO~ EH guess what?! It was the first damn time that Ms Lim finished her lunch by herself. Should we give her a round of applause huh?? HEHEH/ This girl always cannot finish her food one. So this is like the bloody 1STTTT time. HAH. I BET YOU, SHE'S NOW DAMN DAMN PROUD OF HERSELF!! AHHAH/ WAITING for her to upload the pics on fb. She's like taking so long. Even longer than my old granny!! HAHAH, kiddingzx. So yeah, i'm damn patient pls, thank me for my patience.... HAHA;
W A I T I N G I N P R O G R E S S . . . ............................................. FASTER LA!!
So after lunch, we went to er let me think. Ah yeah, as usual FEP to like shop around. Found it boring and we headed off to 313 somerset(long story told) then HEEREN THE LAST. Slack at some "COOLING-AIR-CON-PLACE-PASSAGE-WAY-THAT-HARDLY-ANYONE-WOULD-PASS-BY". HA, COOL AH!! My word creation. I think I should join some "best caption" contest, mayb i'll win some prizes!! HEH, KIDDING THOUGH.
All of us (i think) broke a record today. We came together and made a decision at 4.30 that we all should head back home. HHAHA. So yeah. Best everzz/ It's like damn early for a normal person to go home from town at like what 4.30. But the unlikely us did it today. :) Normal people/working class people perhaps would like head down to orchard at such time and like shop till late. HAHA, we on the other hand WENT HOME!! See the difference?? YES!!
I spent a fortune today~ Broke and helpless. AHHA. Mayb i should try 4D huh. HAHA.Get the winning going.. HEHE HEHE. Oh well, heck. 4D plays on people's feelings in a political way. HAHA, no offence yes?! Spore pool better not come kill me with this nitty bit of information that i've just written. :)
ADD ON(s): I do not understand why do i have people i dont know adding me on msn/fb. It's just creepy. :( Bestie is coming my house tmr!! Hw to be completed tmr!! (Fingers crossed~)
Fate Out Rules You;
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