Monday, January 14, 2008



SUP' folks!
CAMP WAS SUPERSUPERSUPER FUN LA! I can bet you a thousand times. The trainers are LOVE(:
MUMMY AND MAMA was the joke for 3 days, the way they talk ah.. can make you laugh your stomachs off.. HAH!!
The food was mediocre; the shower time and the cubicles were TERRIBLE, AW!
MOOOOOOOTAK! I just can't get it out off my head. See lah, pamelia-all your fault, you kept saying it!
I can still remember on the first day of camp, we were like some hikers carrying those heavy rocks on our backs. HHAH, it was so fun walking and singing!
It wasn't for me to fall asleep on the first day as the floor was hard and the noisy aeroplanes were passing by every 5 minutes or so. I found that annoying. It gets louder and LOUDER!
Instead of sleeping ME ELIZABETH CHANTAL AND FEI MIN were like talking about gross stuffs which i don't think you wanna know. Heh.
I felt super lethargic the 2nd night, like 15 minutes after lights-out, i zonked out.. like literally? :D
I tell you i was so tired that night, cause that day was fileed with out-door activities. OH Oh OH! Kayaking is the LIFE!
And AND And and.... GUESS WHAT? From this week onwards until the 5th feb, i got dance 3 times a week! Insane right? Aw! My feet is gonna hurt much..
That's all for this post!
Catch up with ya'll soon;

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Dang it! I didn't manage to count down! was like a minute away): HAHHA.

Here We Go 2008!:D

Well, now is the 2nd January '08. School starts today.

First day of school was Fun i guess.

Well, i found it hard trying to talk to 'people' from the other class): TSK MAN!

Having difficulties writing the date(year)!! I was like so use to 2007, uh must try to get use to 2008.

PS: I was expecting a different Form teacher instead, but.. uh?

You should know the Answer!

And... Today in class during Contact Time we re-elect new class committee. HAHAH. It was super Funny, we were like Sabotaging each other. Laughing at the expense of others will only get you into hot soup, I'm talking about myself. (: I was like one of the culprit laughing at others and I was chosen to be the English Rep. so infuriating right?

Ah, whatever will be will be.

I'm going to end off here..

Truckloads of Loves;
