Ytd's outing started at Tampines Mall and it ended at Vivo. Tamp mall for "My Sisters Keeper". Vivo for the alluring fashion shops. The show was kinda tragic. I think the actors were pretty GREAT!! Like when you watch you can empathise with them. HAHA. I think it applys to me only? HAHA. I DONT KNOW. :) Went to vivo that i havent been for 45825809300 years/even galaxy. Felt contented. Bought my elephant chain!! I'm into safari animals all of a sudden. And it doesn't feel right. Uhh?~
Wait!! Did i mention who i was out with?? Ok i think i didnt. Went out with 2 obviously lame people. (Shirleen & Kimberlyn) I think they both got each other's disease or something? 1 was the fish owner and the other obviously was the fish. I shall leave it up to your own creative mind to guess who is the owner and the pet. HAHAH. Joke of all times.
Laughed too much yesterday(practically everywhere and every moment). Played "Truth Or Dare" on kim's Iphone. The game can really make people feel embarrassed. The best part is ONLYY me and shirleen found out a secret that we wanted to know all along!! YAY~ FINALLY SHE TOLD IT TO US AFTER DONT KNOW HOW MANY YEARS LA!! Phewwww. Chill ah, we aren't telling anyone. See how good secret keepers we are. :) HAHHA. I was being hit many a times by that game. ALL the questions came bombarding at me. Wah had a hard time thinking of answers etc. Swear it was a major embarrassment. Ironically, It was fun enough to keep us occupied during the approximately 1/2 hour journey on the train:)
Hope the outing on 12 nov to wild wild wet would be a success. (DONT RAIN!!)
"It was due to that period of time that i found you were a little nicer and had a little compassion for others. KEEP GOING^^V!!"
While all that is lost, we only have memories that we can fall back on.
For that, you shall be the Kryptonite and I shall be the Superman.
When all perceptions take a turn for a good course. (That's all i ask for)

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