"You & I Collide"
Today is Saturday=END of the cheerleading camp/training. I'm having mixed feelings. Quite happy that it ended but sad that it ended. Ah, dont know la. Overall it was GOOD. Had a good workout and all. Abs/Conditioning training was the best?? HAHA. Though quite painful. But i think it was worth it. :) WHOO HOO.
Why do pretty girls always end up with gross boyfriends? I just dont get it. I think they deserve better. Like really deserve better. ( X infinity times) Is either like jerks/ugly looks/bastards/suckass/some ah bengs. I think life quite unfair uh. Agree with me this statement. I bet you are nodding your fat head now. :) Is really damn heart pain to see them putting so much in a relationship and they just end up getting nothing. No Love. All back to square one. Wah can you like feel the impact?! Yes you do. From all these, i conclude putting too much in a relationship just leads you to nowhere? feeling more drained out than ever.. Feeling more heart pain than ever.. Sometimes efforts you put in is not appreciated. That is Worst case la!!
K TODAY WE DID FRONT HAND SPRING. (BOO) WAH I SCREAMED TILL LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. QUITE EMBARRASSING AH. LIKE I WAS BEING FLIPPED 360 degrees. That was indeed mind blowing. That instructor sabo me somemore. Flipped me thrice. Not twice BUT 3 TIMES K. NOT FUNNY. DONT LAUGH. IT WAS LIKE OH MY DAMN GODDDDD!! WTH. Handstands were brilliant. All time love. (L) Cartwheels too. Tee HEEE. HAHHA.
I drank like 2 servings of bubble tea today. Do i get any repercussion by drinking too much bubble tea?? I scared uh. The second one was like a treat from this auntie who was in-charge of the infinity cheerleading. Shiokk. Oreo!! THANKS LADY!!
I think my impression of cheerleaders change abit?? I use to think that they are like some bitches or sluts?? HAHAH. But i think they are like still abit?? Not all la. They are like some cool people who can do wonderful stunts and all. Brave people. Not afraid of heights.. They are just Phenomenal. Seriously... Flips and Turns. Gymnast alike.
My leg so itchy now. Got some stupid flies flying around. Annoying me only. URRHH. :(
My toes are filled with corns? They are like so bloody dry and like EWWWWWW. damn gross. Cannot stand it.
I have this motto for r'ships:
Once broken up, dont get back together again. Cos it is really really super no face. Dont be a failure as women. :) Lift your head high and move on!! ^^V!!
As my life flashes before my eyes
I'm wondering will i ever see another sunrise?
So many wont get the chance to say goodbye
But it's too late to think of the value of my life
And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And Im terrified but Im not leaving
Know that I must must pass this test
So just pull the trigger..
Even The Wrong Words Seem To Rhyme;