Friday, July 16, 2010


I couldnt find time to blog hence the a late post here. I still cant get over the hype. It has been a week and flashes of the show are still going through my mind. Yeah just as you expected, no photography was allowed and I couldnt capture those fantastic scenes. Oh well even if I took a shot or two, you might not even figure out what is what.

I wouldnt mind going for the 2nd time. Or maybe infinity. I JUST LIKE IT. ^^ It was so thrilling and at one point in time my teeth was clenching together so much so that I could exactly feel the adrenaline for the acrobats. Oh my/ They were too flexible maybe only soft bones were left in them..

Well I sound like Im promoting the show. Heh. But it's really good. You will crave for moreeeeee!!

Okay.. Moving on to my ever so mundane school week. Recently, MY LIFE has been literally been bombarded with TESTS and MORE TESTS.. One after another. No rest. Ive just cleared 3 of them and mind you there is more to come. I couldnt agree more that Sec 4's life can literally be compared to a dog's life. You stay in school for like 3/4 of your life-just like a dog who stay in a kennel. See the link?!

SUNDAY IM GOING FOR BIG WALK(The Newpaper). HAHHA whose joining me man?! :)


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