Saturday, July 31, 2010
Fix This
Friday, July 30, 2010
Invincible Like You

There are 2 sides to every story and I always hate it.
The weather this week was made for sleeping in. Sorry but I dont understand why people are afraid of being cold. It beats having a hot weather for 365 days right? If walking around naked wasnt a crime, I think I might be the first to do that. Even Jay agrees with me.. Sick and tired of rants and laments. Give me a break will you? Do not even care about me. I'm perfectly fine with that If you ever did wonder. I do take a little pity of those who do not have friends. Can I take your positions?
Again, human nature to take shield for yourselves instead and just wash your hands of everything. For everything, I fight for survival. Have you? I guess amongst all, my life was THE most "tricky" to begin with. Not simple but a more complex one.
A last breath before everything just speeds up. In everything there is no take two. Therefore, the idea of me wanting to "reboot- my-life- just- like- a- computer" is not ever, not a single chance of ever coming true/
Called a "Joker". It just means that people do not take you seriously. Just so you know, I was named that. I should've brush it off instead of mentioning it..
Excuse me while I kiss the sky-
Friday, July 23, 2010
Street Spirits

Another long gruelling week. Today's been special. An extremely queer one. I've been given the prelims timetable. It just simply means that I am not any further from the hell day. I use to bury myself alive in those "laughters" what you define as "the-right-me". I want to break out of it. Yet, at the back of my mind i know that no one will accept this erratic change I've long decided to do.
Have you noticed that the past few days have been raining? I interpreted it as a bad omen. Today was kinda a "jinx" for me? 7:02 was the time I opened my eyes. Yes, you might have thought how I got school without being late. It was suprising how I was ready at 710 . 720 was when I stepped into the school ground. To be exact, after 725 you are considered late. It was a close shave. BACK TO THE BAD OMEN.. I just do not know how to spell out my thoughts about it. I shall give it a miss.Everything's not right for me. It felt as though I'm on a wrong track. I want to be guided like the old days. I do not want to do everything myself. Now, the world seems to be the object I get intimidated of. Can I choose to have supernatural powers? I want to envision myself in the years to come.
You've changed, I believe I myself have to. I hope to accept the current you, but I'm having internal conflict with myself that I myself do not even comprehend. So let me try overcome it.
All of you might have not known, my family is kinda out of sorts. Laughing to themselves is their current trend. The question I post to you is "Are you afraid?"
I want to get a new notebook. The current one seems to be infected by virus? I'm using a desktop which I am not comfortable with.
This machine will, will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain I am under
Be a world child, form a circle
Before we all go under
And fade out again and fade out again..
PS/ As a friend would you stop judging. Dont look as though I'm some kinda alien perspiring. YES I'M DIFFERENT IN UNCOUNTABLE WAYS. MANY HAVE NOT KNOWN THEM ALL BY HEART YET. You should not have the right to judge because I see myself in a positive light.
Lastly, I like being different. Sometimes I wish to befriend those unpopular ones in class.
Monday, July 19, 2010
And You'll Be There/

Need some eye-candy? Here's one. They really got hot bod. ^.Oh well I think I'm really getting tired of my life. I look at this and this gives me incentive. Ok wait wait wait, I sound like some female pervert. Oh dont get me wrong. It is just natural for every girl to go "ga-ga" over this kinda thing, needless to say.
Singapore couldnt be any warmer. As I'm sitting here typing relentlessly, I can literally feel a drop of perspiration down my head. (Ew?) Sigh what to do..
I'm in the midst of EVU & I hope to get over and done with like any time nowwww!!
I've got GEOGGGGG AND ALL. So therefore, in life, we sometimes need to find some enjoyment before we can go on any further. ( Like the above picture)
TOO HOT TO HANDLE. Ok, enough of my shit.
I'll catch you soon!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
I couldnt find time to blog hence the a late post here. I still cant get over the hype. It has been a week and flashes of the show are still going through my mind. Yeah just as you expected, no photography was allowed and I couldnt capture those fantastic scenes. Oh well even if I took a shot or two, you might not even figure out what is what.
I wouldnt mind going for the 2nd time. Or maybe infinity. I JUST LIKE IT. ^^ It was so thrilling and at one point in time my teeth was clenching together so much so that I could exactly feel the adrenaline for the acrobats. Oh my/ They were too flexible maybe only soft bones were left in them..
Well I sound like Im promoting the show. Heh. But it's really good. You will crave for moreeeeee!!
Okay.. Moving on to my ever so mundane school week. Recently, MY LIFE has been literally been bombarded with TESTS and MORE TESTS.. One after another. No rest. Ive just cleared 3 of them and mind you there is more to come. I couldnt agree more that Sec 4's life can literally be compared to a dog's life. You stay in school for like 3/4 of your life-just like a dog who stay in a kennel. See the link?!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Friday, July 09, 2010
Stuck In The Moment-

All I can say that this week was packed and exhausting.
Skipped couple of lessons after school just for auditions. Felt so guilty..
I end at 5 almost everyday. On a positive side, it gives me reason to at least work my brains.
As I'm typing this, I can feel my heavy eyelids:\ They can hardly open. Guess what? I've got class later. Let's see how I overcome this internal conflict within me.
Pushing everything aside, IM CATCHING VOYAGE DE LA VIE THIS SUNDAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! \m/. Couldnt be more excited than ever!!!
But before that, I need to bury myself in chemistry. I have a test on tuesday/
Trains in the sky
Are travelling
Through fragments of time
They're taking me to parts
Of my mind
That no one can find..
Sunday, July 04, 2010
No Line On The Horizon

An incident that was living proof that I am definitely not COMPUTER FRIENDLY.
This coming week will determine my fate. (Part of it.) I have 2 auditions to clear. TJC on tues and CJC on wed. (FUN RIGHT?!?) Me having a mindset that these auditions will be choreographed for and music will be played. But little did I expect the other way round-"I" HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING. It just shortens my life I tell you. I only found out on late wed that I have to do all that myself. Yes I PANICKED!! OBVIOUSLY. BUT NOW, NO MORE. I'VE CLEARED IT. The music was the one that was giving me a helluva headache. Now that I've sorta mastered it, I shall put it to GOOD USE. Edit/Cut/Fade out and copying it on the cd. To you it may sound amateur but certainly not for me.
The night before my 'O' levels MT oral, I spent 80% of my time on that. With the amount of time I spent on it, you might have think that I succeed. But you are wrong. I BURST INTO FLAMES WHEN IT DIDNT TURN OUT RIGHT. Oh boy, I bothered camel. Sorry girl girlll!! :
I sorta think that I didnt rambled nonsense on the actual exam day. (Acc to my memory, i guess)
Now that everything is more or less in place, I feel at peace sleeping through the night without thinking about that technical problem I've encountered. :\
Yes lady luck, I need you BIG TIME!!!!!!!!^.<