Tuesday, September 01, 2009

"Leave Out All The Rest"

Firstly, my last post was approximately a gauge on how often i use the computer. Quite a fair bit of accomplishment righttt??! HAHA.
Secondly, today's the real actual date for "HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY"! Have Fun:)

Thirdly, and the most importantly..... i'm getting my iphone 3gs IN JUST A FEW HOURS!!!!!! IS LIKE MY WISH FOR DONT KNOW HOW MANY MONTHS and is granted! YESSS!

-Celebration for teachers' day- concert, class parties etc
-We performers=the loosing end. Dont get to enjoy the fun in the parties. HAHHA
They are having parties and we making up like shit. HAHAHA:)
-The cool thing is we pone everything except mass. THE MASS WAS DAMN HOLY SHIOKK!
We put up 2 items. Quick Change like mad. Worst then some celebrities that hold concerts in (SIS) I mean seriously, with like all the sweat then change into another costume, untie hair etc.

If you sit down and actually think of school work plus exams is like O-M-G SIAN!
Not much time left):
So many topics.
EOY exam is like testing us, students on our threshold level and our brain absorbent rate. Sad Case la!

Hate it when is like this!!):

Theres too many shows that came out at one go and i've yet to catch them!! Feel so Angry. AHHH. Ohh well. (nvm)

This post is actually quite brief. I also Dont Know Why..

With that love;


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