Met shirleen at pp. SAW her with her freshly new haircut. She looks very young now! HAHHA,(shall not reveal the style of her hair)
Then walked to holy fam bus stop to meet joyce.>>> waited for her for like 15mins. Tsk tsk. She also has a new hair style PLUS specs. SO COOL! k, then bussed down to vivo. Suddenly during the bus ride, CHANEL said that she can go out and she was gonna meet us. THEN I WAS LIKE SO KANG CHONG, then i called her. Then she la, sounded so monotonous on the phone. Like not excited like that. I think cos her mom in the car then yah. HAHAH:)
So anyways, went to get our ticket then waited for chanel. We only went for bout 2hours cos at the first place our meeting time was quite late already. So yeah. ): Anyways, i had fun there especially with your friends. :D At silosa beach we saw quite a number of disgusting stuffs. I think now my eyes got problem already la!
We left at around 630pm? Cause all of us didnt want to miss "The Little Nyonya" show. HAHAH. the bus came, we chong up. PS: CHANEL! YOUR HOUSE sooooooo far in. Walk until my leg so pain. CAN DIE MAN! JUST IN TIME FOR THE SHOW! HAH, THEN ATE CARLS JUNOIR at her house.
And... first time i heard from chanel that she only goes up to the 3rd floor only once a week. OMG that was the lamest thing i've ever heard man. YOUR OWN HOUSE EH! then dont dare go upstairs! ah yo YOU AH! And another thing: she doesnt sits on her sofa, cause its very warm. I CAN DIE OF LAUGHING MAN. Then in the end she sat on her floor. HAHAH.VERY FUNNY! Ok then we watched and laughed until very vigorously at her house. Nobody at home, very cool!.HAHHA. So yeah.
Then her mom came back at 10pm? Then she fetched me and joyce home. HAHA! PS: CHANEL, thanks for the smooth RIDE! Your parrot is NOISY! No offence!:)
Today had Dance. Wah after so long never dance, then my brain abit groggy already. Then I just REALISED today that there is quite A LOT of steps to learn. My brain today also bit slow.. AH YO. luckily the teachers didnt came today. So PHEWWWWW. Hope i can remember the combinations!
My new bag is only arriving on the 13th jan. (sad) Sigh*
I'll catch you soon;
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