Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Forever & Always

Another staying @ home day today..

Sunday: went for a "shopping spree" at F21. This is the season that I always love- Tribal printz!! Saw too many pretty pieces. I somehow couldn't figured out some of their pricing of their clothings. A pair of denim shorts can cost 35$ while a full length denim can just cost only 17$. You see the major difference here? It goes the same for some tops and dresses...

Monday: Out for a "meaty" buffet at Seoul Garden. (Ate most of their meat) Yummmeee~ It was a pity that the food were out of stock at a speed of lightning. It was a good thing that we went early though:) Couldn't squeeze in dinner when I went home.

Tuesday: Out to Holland V for food. The place has a few nooks and corners. Narrow driving lanes coupled with yuppies. Saw quite a number of uncouth people there too. It's pretty much of an equal mixture.

Thursday: Going back to KC for teachers' day celebration. I miss the school!! :\(Even though I live less than 1 km from it) Cannot wait to step into the school with fond memories.
Heading to dance @ school in the late afternoon/evening in preparation for Muse.

Sunday: Training at The Riz Carlton in preparation for F1. Thinking of it makes me feel drained..

I won't be in Spore the following weekend. I'll be flying of to Bangkok from 11 to 13 sept!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe. So excited~~~ I somehow cannot control my ecstatic self. :)

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