Been eyeing on these YSL art oval rings. Particularly the navy blue one^.^ So elegant and classic!!!!~
To sum my week up, I'm finally done for the first round of UT. The next Understanding Test will be the start of July. So as you can see, there's no time to lag behind. The 5 days in a week for me is like a roller coaster- there's no time to stop and day dream but think continuously. I have to even use my brains for dance. The weekends are not even a short getaway for me if you see the situation I am in now. I dont smell anymore long breaks for the time being. I feel so sad without them... :\
Currently hooked onto Sam Tsui's covers and mash up for the latest songs. Really refreshing and pleasing to the ears. His vocals are on the higher range though.
Heading to the newly opened Editor's Market tmr @ OC. :) Excited for the fashion there. Hehehe/