You Are Timeless To Me
I'm really very tired of friends who are around me. I WANT SOMEONE TO ASSURE ME THAT ONCE I CLOSE MY EYES, EVERYTHING WILL JUST FALL TO A SITUATION THAT I WANT IT TO BE. With that, the world wouldnt be more magical.
I'm beginning to step into that little and small confined space that is called isolation. I'm also puzzled at myself for that change. Perhaps it is just the fact that exams are nearing. It couldnt be any nearer than that. I sometimes cannot imagine how i just pulled through each and every lessons in school. Firstly, I noticed that when you are doing a math problem sum, copying something from the board, doing comprehension, it feels as though someone went to adjust the clock in like what 5 secs? Before you knew it, an hour has just past. I am really scared:\
I'm labelled "weird" for not being my usual self. Maybe I shouldnt give the impression of myself as a happy-go-lucky kinda girl from the start. At times, you can show a frontier of yourself laughing but only you yourself know that it is just a show. I want to have as many "masks" as possible. I hate it when somebody do not understands me at least half the percentage of me as I do. I know it is not easy to comprehend someone but sometimes I do like that private space; somewhere where I can find that puny serenity.
When we leave this school in due time to come, I'll always remember that I have a friend who couldnt be more caring as you. You were the best I ever knew even though you made me sad at times. Making fun of you is just priceless, you wouldnt even get a least offended. My friend, tyvm^^ <3
I like this poem:
..I am nobody's friend.
Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never that same.
Remember, before you repeat a story, ask yourself:
Is it true? Is it fair? Is it necessary?
If not, do not repeat it. (Extracted from the poem "My Name Is Gossip")
PS/ You should be studying now instead of reading this my friends/
Till Then,