I M O F F I C I A L L Y O V E R A N D D O N E W I TH 'O' S, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, no more tight schedule and stressing over studies. 'Freedom' would now be the word that occupy these few months to come/ Now that I do not have to go to school, the part I detest most is to plan for the holidays. No more usual timetable. I somehow feel lost? More of stepping into a whole new level of a typical xbox game. Free time now does not equates to fitting a gazillion of equations into your brain and regurgitating whatever facts you have memorised. Well, school to me is like my "security blanket" as I know for sure everyday I wake up there is something installed for me and that I clearly know I wont be investing my time on unproductive tasks. I'm weighing the pros and cons here. So.. that would be what I clearly miss at the very moment.
Some would plan to step into the working life. I DO EVER CONSIDER THAT. However, I would like to indulge myself in a more enriching experience. I would certainly love to take up another language. Who's with me?!! No, not those Asians but French. ^.^ Currently, it would be under my "to-do" list. (but ranking the last?)
I've still yet to satisfy myself. Visiting the 'Universal Studios' is a place I've longed to visit. Love being stuck in that magnificent castle and exhilarating rides etc. (looking at the brochures..) I believe you would call me a dreamer? Yes, I wouldn't deny that. That one moment can even transport me to a place that does not even exist. No one would ever know. And yes, back to reality-------
Top priority now is to hunt my PROM outfit!!!!!!! Do not ever remind me. I know I'm really late.
Flipping through the calendar, I realised that we are bidding November goodbye. Exams really can make a month pass real fast. I should put my mind at ease knowing that I've survived it all. (phewww) Doing the exam is not challenging but waiting for the results is testing your tolerance level-testing to see if you can accept the fact that is painted black and white right before your eyes. That, is what I called challenging.
Now, let's see where the wind will take you/
That's for now. Tired of typing and staring into the com's screen.
I'll catch you soon, babes!! ^.~
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